Electroindustrial and trade school in Rijeka, Zvonimirova 12, works in the building which has been built by Hungarians in 1899. year, to be needed “Hungarian state coeducational elementary school Mlaka-Plase.

On 1st Septembre in 1900 it began to conduct instruction there in four man’s grades, four woman’s grades and two upper grades.
After the disintegration of Austria – Hungarian monarchy, Italians had taken the bulding on, they completed the workshops in the yard and began to educate technicians, mehanics and motorcyclists according to two years old curriculum (“Scuola tecnica industriale – Fiume”). After the Second World War “State trade school” from Sušak settled down to work as “Electrochemical school” with two programs: electrochemical and machinist.

Afterwards the name has been changed several times, the school has beenn expanded, enlarged two floors, equiped the classrooms, laboratories, and workshops, and in 1970 it began to register pupils in programs of adult education because of becoming qualification for the worker of electrotechnic profession.

Since 1978 it has acted as “CUO of electrotehnic personnel” and educated its students for all professions anticipated for fourth and fifth level qualified scale for the compulsorz education and the adult education in electrotechnical profession.
In1991/92 it has planned the transformation of school center in two schools, that has become realized after the official decision of Township Assembly Rijeka made on 25th June in 1992 and since then the same building has been shared with same space and equipment.
Electroindutrial and trade school has educated its students for INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE PROFESSIONS. In addition to compulsory generally educational contents, the students get the knowledge about theoretical elements of profession with the help of teaching professional subjects which are necessary for understanding of working process and rational and safely use of machines, tools and instruments. The laboratory sessions are integral parts of teaching getting necessary level of practical knowledge with handling electrical instruments and equipment.
The practical training of educational programs is conducted partly in the school workshops (elementary skills with tools, machines and devices) and in the industrial sections and in the installations for industrial propersions 1 year in the trade workshops and sections of the trade firms.
Every day the students are registrated in the first grades: electroinstalaters, electromechanics and telecommunication installaters – for industrial professions, experts in electronics, mechanics, electricians, electromechanics and auto electricians – for trade proffessions.
In the school of education students VET program that takes four years for technicians mechatronics.
Mr. Bašić Darko is the headmaster, Mr. Marijan Bačić is the leader of teaching. There are 47 workers, 35 secondary school teachers and professional teachers, two special assistants (psychologist and librarian) and 10 noneducational workers.